  Public Ticket #2173846
[URGENT] Dates Unavailable


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    Susanna started the conversation


    On my customers booking system it is showing that there are no dates available until 20th Oct.  Which isn't true and the classes aren't all booked up.  I need to make these date available asap as she will miss out on bookings

    Please can you advise? I have checked that the employee and working hours aren't booked as days off...

  •   [deleted] replied privately
  •   Susanna replied privately
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    Susanna replied


    PLEASE PLEASE PLAESE can you fix this - My customer has a class tomorrow and no-one can book it!

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    Susanna replied

    I have tried everything I can think of, but the dates just aren't showing up!

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Susanna,

    Sorry, we are not working on weekends but I saw the email for your ticket and decided to help outsmile.png

    Could you please check if is it OK now?

  •  1
    Susanna replied

    I think it is! Brilliant, I have asked my customer to check as well.

    How did you fix it? Nothing I did worked, so would love to know what the problem was!

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Susanna,

    Great, glad I could help.

    Of course, I enabled the option "Allow booking below minimum capacity" in Amelia -> Settings -> Appointment settings. When this is disabled, when someone books an appointment and if it satisfies the minimum capacity for the service, the service becomes 'closed' for bookings. We added this option since we have some users that don't want their services to be booked anymore when the minimum is met.

    I also changed the services assigned to the work hours. 

    Please see attachments.

    If you have any further questions or concerns don't hesitate to ask,

  •  1
    Susanna replied

    Ahh, I see.  I had a problem with this section of settings for another customers sites.  I don't really understand them to be honest.  But thank you anyway!  Just in the nick of time!

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Susanna, 

    You are welcome!

    We hadn't had these settings before, but then a lot of users wanted this type of setting because they are running restaurants, etc. and this helps them to disable booking when one group books a table (preventing other 'unknown' people book the same table if the maximum is not accomplished). The option is enabled by default so these users can disable it for their purpose.

    But I see your point, maybe the title of the option is misleading to some users if they don't need something like this. We will think this through. 

    If you have any other questions or concerns feel free to open a new ticket and we will gladly help,

  • digiden replied

    Hi Again,

    I just noticed on my own calendar, the whole of November is blocked out... https://www.digiden.cm/add-on/free-15-minute-chat/ is this because of the same issue?  Shall I send you a login?

  •   Susanna replied privately
  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Susanna, 

    This is because you have set 30 days for the option "Period available for booking in advance:" in Amelia -> Settings -> General Settings. 

    If you change this to 2 months (60 days) then November will be available for booking. 

    Please see attachment! 

    Hope this helpssmile.png 

    If you have any other questions or concerns feel free to open a new ticket and we will gladly help,

  •   Susanna replied privately
  •   Susanna replied privately
  •  1
    Susanna replied

    Theres something very strange going on.... https://share.getcloudapp.com/jkuy0e80

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Susanna, 

    I see this is the same issue as you wrote in your other/ new ticket so we will continue solving the issue there. Hence, I will close this ticket.