  Public Ticket #2171134
Additional Data fields upon booking signup.


  • Terry O'Connor started the conversation

    Hi there

    I am wondering about how I can add the following fields to my plugin.

    Place Of Birth

    (i know this can be a text field where the user types in manually, but I wondered about a location field where you start typing in a location field and it is looking up the location as you're typing)

    Date Of Birth. 

    Or just a date field.  DD/MM/YYYY or could be MM/DD/YYYY

    Time Of Birth (HH:MM am/pm)

    This would only be really necessarily for first time clients.

    I do not have my plugin on a live version of my website.  Everything is on a test version of my website at the moment.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Terry, 

    Thank you for your purchase!

    You think of custom fields, right? 

    Unfortunately this is not possible to add in Amelia at the moment.

    I will add your suggestion to our list and if it is something which is suggested by more of our users we will try to implement it in one of our future releases. We have a lot of feature requests from our users and the most required ones are in the top of the list. You can see whether there is a same/similar suggestion to yours and vote for it following this link.

    If you have any other questions or concerns don't hesitate to ask,