  Public Ticket #2169148
Duplicated appointments


  • bobygoma started the conversation

    This is actually a bug report, since my support licence expired this is the only way to report it.

    Lets suppose that 2 users opened the appointment form from different locations.

    Both user have been selected the same time slot for the same service. One of them confirms the appointment but the other one kept the form opened for a while.

    Now the 2nd user confirms the appointment which shouldn't be available anymore.

    What happens? Now both users have an appointment at the same time in same service.

    This is not a mis-configuration related issue because by refreshing the page, the appointment took by the first user is not available anymore.

    Apparently there are no validation at the backend, only in frontend. The submit process should look into the DB if the appointment was already taken before inserting it.

    Please fix this ASAP! Customers are complaining about this!

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Bobygoma,

    Thank you for your inquiry.

    Can you please tell us the version of our plugin that you are using? And also, which payment method you are using? We've had this bug in one of the previous versions but we have fixed it and release a fix in version 2.1. 

    Best regards.