  Public Ticket #2167980
Integrating WP users to Amelia


  • Sklasse3 started the conversation


    We recently switched to Amelia away from another bookings plugin. Just wondering how we go about making our current WP users available to Amelia as customers? Also, is there a way to make a customer's appointments available for viewing from their WP account page? Ideally customers can log into their WP account from our main page and see their upcoming appointments, other orders, etc. Is this possible, or is Amelia completely separate from the WP account?

    Thank you!


  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Sklasse3,

    Thank you for your purchase!

    You should give your WP users Amelia customer role and then when you make Customers in Amelia you can connect them to the WP users (you can't 'import' WP customers to Amelia). Then the customers will be able to login to WP back-end and see their appointments on the Appointments page and Calendar page. There customer has two options:

    1. Cancel the appointment on the Appointments page (if you give them this permission), or
    2. Reschedule the appointment on the Calendar page,

    Cancel option is enabled for all customers with Amelia customer user role by default, and it cannot be disabled. Beside each future appointment customer will see Cancel option like on the picture below. Once he clicks on Cancel, the appointment will be canceled and both, the customer and the employee will receive notification about it (if this notification is previously set for sending).

    Reschedule option is not enabled by default and if you want to allow your customers to reschedule their appointments, first you need to go to the Roles Settings and enable the option “Allow customers to reschedule their own appointments”.

    You can read more about Customers and Role Settings by following the links. 

    Hope this helps!

    If you have any further questions or concerns don't hesitate to ask,

  • Sklasse3 replied

    Thank you, Marija :)

    Do you know if it's possible for customization to have Amelia customers log into the front-end to see their appointments? We have hundreds of clients that have always logged into the front-end to access their content / memberships / etc. I don't think having them log into the back-end just to access their appointments would go over very well with them. 

  • [deleted] replied

    You are welcomesmile.png

    Unfortunately we don't have this option at the moment, but the front-end customers cabinet is our priority and it will be in one of our future updates. I can't say exactly when it will be implemented and released though. 

    Hope this helps!