  Public Ticket #2167875
Manager booking appointment


  •  6
    Marina started the conversation


    How can I allow my manager book appointment and after working hours? For example, on Tuesday, one of the employee client like to add another appointment at 8pm. Our store hour is from 10 am to 6pm. I need to set up so only Manager can set up appointment regardless of the store hours. 


  • [deleted] replied

    Hello rnahaylo,

    Unfortunately this is not possible in Amelia at the moment. The work hours are applied to all users the same and they are set both for the front and for the back-end at once. 

    But I will put your request in our to-do list and forward it to the development team. The most requested features are in the top of our list for implementation in the future releases. You can see if there is a same or similar request to yours and vote for it following this link

    If you have any other questions or concerns don't hesitate to ask, 

  •  6
    Marina replied

    Hi Maria, 

    That's a bit disappointing! Manager should have authority to overwrite and control booking system. 

    Thanks for the help, I will submit request to community. 

    Best Regards. 


  • [deleted] replied

    Yes, I see your point. We haven't had much requests by our users for this so far and that is why it wasn't our priority but maybe this will change. 

    You are welcome, sorry I couldn't help more. 

    If you have any other questions or concerns feel free to open a new ticket and we will gladly help,

  •  6
    Marina replied

    This is more for Managing business. I am surprised no one in community ever mentioned. Please escalate my suggestion if possible.  