  Public Ticket #2167001
Amelia plugin : Time format, Translations and SMS


  •  1
    Philippe COUDERC started the conversation


    I'm a webdesigner.

    I'm so glad I found your Amelia plugin ! Exactly what I needed !

    I have 2 questions before buying your product :

    1) In your demos the times are in english format (am/pm). Is it possible to have it in 24-hour format (13:00, 14:00, etc)

    2) Both my client and his customers are French : is there a way to translate both the backend (admin settings) and the frontend (customer view) ?

    3) How do confirmation SMS work ? Will my client have to register to his phone operator, or anything else ? Or does it work straightaway from the plugin ?

    Many thanks for your help,


  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Philippe,

    Thanks so much for your interest in our plugin.

    1) Yes, you change time format in WordPress and it will be mirrored in Amelia.

    2) Yes, we have French translation in our plugin, if you don't like the translation or if something is missing, it can be easily translated by Poedit or similar plugin.

    3) It works straight away from the plugin, the full explanation how to set up the SMS notifications can be found here: https://wpamelia.com/sms-notifications/

    Let me know if you have further questions!

  •  1
    Philippe COUDERC replied

    Many thanks for your reply, we'll buy your product very soon :-)
