  Public Ticket #2165154


  • Michael started the conversation


    I need a booking system for clients that have already paid and who are able to book a one hour time slot for our service company. We only accept one booking per day and the client should be able to pick only available slots.

    They don't need to pay as they already did this and just enter the name, the date and the customer number.

    Is this possible with your plugin?

    Thanks & Regards,


  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Michael, 

    Thanks for reaching out, we are glad you are interested in Amelia!

    Unfortunately, there is no option in Amelia to accept only one booking per day/week/etc. by one customer. The customers can book as many new appointments as they want, there is no option to limit/make a condition for this.

    There is a payment option on-site, which means that the customers don't need to pay for the appointment online but when they come to the appointment, so this would be a good solution in your case. And if you don’t want to use price and payment settings and you don’t want to show them on your front page, just put 0 as a price for a service. By doing so, your price and payment methods will be automatically hidden.

    Hope this helps!

    If you have any other questions or concerns don't hesitate to ask,