  Public Ticket #2162660
Payment to register a user


  • Pedro Arnau started the conversation


    I've been reading about the Amelia plugin, but i have failed to locate if there is a posibility for the client to pay only once, at the begining, and then sign-up for as many clasess as he/she wants on the calendar.

    It is for a sport calendar (like a gym), where users only pay to sign-in, no for each class (event) they sign-up for.

    Can that be done with the plug-in?

    And if so, can that payment (suscription) have a date limit?

    Thank you.

  •  2,572
    Aleksandar replied

    Hello Pedro.

    Thank you for your interest in our plugin.

    Unfortunately, at the moment we don't have a bulk purchase option. We're looking into adding that as a feature, but until then I can offer a work-around.

    You can create a service which would be named "Bulk Purchase" for example, and it would cost a certain amount. Then, you would need to create a 100% discount coupon which could be used 9 times, and limit the usage to 9 per customer, like this:


    My advice would also be to enable the notifications, so they get an e-mail with the discount coupon, explaining that they need to use the coupon for the remaining 9 sessions:


    You would need to add the %coupon_1% placeholder to the e-mail, so they get the coupon code they can use.

    After someone books the first appointment, they receive an e-mail with it, and they use it to book the remaining 9 sessions.

    I hope this helps.

    Best regards.

    Kind Regards, 

    Aleksandar Vuković
    [email protected]

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