  Public Ticket #2155787
Mobile scroll


  • Tristan started the conversation


    I have a mobile scroll when I select the hours on the widget since a long time, it's really annoying, how can I fix it please ? 

    Thank you, 


  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Tristan, 

    Could you please provide us with more details about the issue that you have, and we will gladly help? It would be great if you can take some screenshots or video of the issue.


  • Tristan replied


    Find attached the video where you can see, when I select the time slot, automaticatly it's scrolling down. 


  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Tristan, 

    Sorry for the inconvenience. This issue came up for Android users when we made an update because of the problem with scrolling for the iPhone users. Unfortunately, it can't be fixed at the moment, but we are working on this and hopefully we will fix this soon.

    It is a problem since most of the users have both iPhone and Android customers, and if for one the scroll is good for the other ones it isn't. We think of a solution to have a Switch for choosing one of the two options, but again most of the users have both Android and iPhone customers. 

    If you have any other questions or concerns feel free to ask, 

  • Tristan replied


    The point is that the problem is on IPhone and Android... And I think it's a really important feature while most of the users are mobile... 

    Can you please fix it soon ? 

    Thank you, 


  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Tristan, 

    Could you please tell me which version of Amelia do you have? Since we fixed some issue with this in Version 2.1.1.


  •  3
    damien replied


    i foud this ticket only after i asked the same (https://tmsplugins.ticksy.com/ticket/2166514) and my version is 2.2.1, so obviously the bug is not corrected on android...


  • Tristan replied


    Also the same, I'm on the Version 2.2.1 and still the problem on Iphone and Android.... It's really annoying. 

    Can you find a solution please ? 



  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Tristan, 

    Sorry for the inconvenience and apologies for replying late, we are not working on weekends. 

    We are working on a new customize page which will be implemented in one of our future releases and this issue will be fixed with it. 

    For now, you should add the following script to your page which will fix the issue until the update: 

    <script>window.ameliaBooking = {disableScrollView: true}</script>

    If you have any other questions or concerns don't hesitate to ask,