  Public Ticket #2151964
Google Calendar


  • bradshaw started the conversation

    I cannot seem to get calendar working. It is connected - O Auth is correct. But when I put a busy event into google calendar the time slot is still available in the Amelia calendar. Can you help me sort this out? I've spent days on this and if can't get it working need to move onto a different solution. 


  • [deleted] replied

    Hello bradshaw,

    Could you please tell me have you enabled the option "Remove Google Calendar Busy Slots" in Amelia -> Settings -> Google Calendar Settings? When this is enabled, time slots from the Amelia Calendar will be removed whenever there is an event in Google Calendar.

    Also, the statuses of the events in Google calendar should be set to Busy. 

    If you have already done this and still have an issue, please let us know,