  Public Ticket #2144436


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    Candice started the conversation

    Hi there

    Is it possible to have two payment options? For example the ability for the customer to pay later onsite OR pay now with woo commerce? The booking system I'm on currently doesn't support payment methods in my country and so all my customers book without paying. I would really like them to pay before the appointment, but have some clients (particularly first time clients) that would prefer to pay later. 

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Candice, 

    Thanks for reaching out. We are glad you are interested in our plugin! 

    We have several payment options - PayPal, Stripe, Woocommerce integration and on-site payment. 

    When you enable Woocommerce it will be the only way of paying, but there the customers can also choose on-site (on-delivery) payment. 

    The payment options are set for all services/events/bookings together, so if you enable all of these payment options any customer can choose whichever option they want. You can not specify different payment options for different customers, if that is what you want to achieve. 

    You can read more about payment options and settings following this link and more about WooCommerce integration following this link.

    If you have any further questions don't hesitate to ask!

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    Candice replied

    Thanks Marija! That's great. I just wanted to make sure that customers have an option between "Pay Now" and "Pay Later".

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Candice, 

    You are welcome.

    I hope you'll find other Amelia's features helpful and nice, as wellsmile.png

    If you have any other questions or concerns don't hesitate to ask,