  Public Ticket #2138364
Multiple Selections Advanced Filtering


  • Gabriel Golan started the conversation


    I am looking for a product that can filter a data table down based on multiple selections on a column filter. Also, I would like a single selection to


    I have three different data points in a column: "x","y", "xy".

    -If I select "x", then only "x" rows are displayed.

    -If I select "y", then only "y" rows are displayed.

    -If I select "x" and "y" together, then only "xy" rows are displayed. 

    I not want to see "xy" on the filter dropdown, as this will be displayed by selecting both "x" and "y" at the same time. 

    Is it possible to do this with this product? 

    If not, is it possible to add custom code to achieve this functionality?

  •  2,572
    Aleksandar replied

    Hello Gabriel.

    Thank you for your interest in our plugin.

    I am sorry to disappoint you, but unfortunately something like this is not possible with the plugin's built-in features.

    The filtering logic simply doesn't allow first two options. If you search for X it will return all rows which contain X, even XY. Same goes for Y.

    For the third option - it would return all instances of XY, so if you have XYZ in one row, that will be returned also.

    It probably can be done with some custom work, but our developers are very busy at the moment, working on some priority tasks and fixing bugs and issues with our plugins, so they won't be having the time for custom work in near future.

    But we can recommend this service for customization: https://codeable.io/?ref=l1TW1 (by this link they would know you come from us) - they do develop such custom solutions, could you please send your inquiry to them?

    Best regards.

    Kind Regards, 

    Aleksandar Vuković
    [email protected]

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