  Public Ticket #2132882
skip the employe


  • john started the conversation

    Hi there

    is there any option in this plugin to skip the first step to select the employee and go directly to the calendar

    Thank you

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi John,

    Yes, if you have just one employee that step won't be shown. Also, if you make a short-code where you predefine for witch employee you want to display services for, that step will not show as well. 

  • john replied

    I have 2 employés and they both provide same services but we want to get rid of the extra step forced and would like to have directly calendar and employee choose randomly based on availability 

  • john replied

    It is confusing for new clients as they do not know who to select so why force them to choose one ?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi John,

    It is necessary to create at least one employee so the plugin can function properly (because you make connection between services, location and employees with employees) but if you create multiple of them the dropdown can be hidden with a simple CSS, and the plugin will randomly assign bookings to the employees.