  Public Ticket #2126073
Do i need employees


  • Baldur Arge started the conversation

    I need to have a booking widget for a mechanic shops around town. They offer an appointments, and they are in 5 different places around the city. I was wondering do i need to have the choose of employee for the booking form?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Baldur Arge,

    Thank you for your interest in our plugin.

    It is necessary to create at least one employee so the plugin can function properly (because you make connection between services, location and employees with employees) but if there is just one employee this dropdown will automatically be hidden or if you create multiple of them the dropdown can be hidden with a simple CSS. Just so you know, if you want to allow bookings at the same time for these multiple locations you will need multiple employees.

    Best regards.

  • Baldur Arge replied

    Hi Isadora

    So just to get it clear for me:

    Would i be able to have for example: Location1, Location2, Location3.

    And employee1, employee2, employee3.

    But they are connected to the location.

    So when someone is trying to book at 12:00 at Location2, they will only see Employee2.

    And also that means that Location1 and Location3 still have an empty timeslot at 12:00.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Baldur,

    Isidora is out of the office.

    I will try to help. 

    You can connect employees to one or to multiple locations. You can define at what time employee will work on witch location.

    Let me know if you have further questions.