  Public Ticket #2125723
Customer Dastboard


  • Jai Malviya started the conversation

    Hi Team,

    I really like your plugin but i didn't find the customer appointment cancel option after booking in frontend . I don't want my customer to login in backend is there any option available or you are planning to add any option.

    Is there any option that i can payout to my employ directly from the site after deduction of some amount.


  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Jai,

    Thanks for your interest!

    The one option we have right now is to cancel or reschedule from the backend, customer get Amelia Customer role and and s/he doesn't see anything else just her/his appointments, not a WP dashboard, noting except the calendar with just her/his appointments. The other way is with notification, in the notification you can set up cancel URL to be sent and customer will cancel by clicking on it, in this case customer doesn't have to have Amelia Customer role

    No payouts to employees are in Amelia for now.