  Public Ticket #2096948
Configuration of Plugin Features


  •  1
    Design O Crazy started the conversation

    Hello Team,

    Can we configure the following?

    1. In Financial Reports can we get individual Employee Payment Details

    2. Can we set collect commissions for the Employee Payments. Use case: We have Doctors across the city and any appointment booked on our booking plugin the payment should be divided in 2 parts, Our Commission either in fixed value or percentage and the Doctor payout 3. Can returning users have record of old appointments?

    4. Can user leave Ratings of Employees? 5. Can Employees send Emails to users from within the plugin?

    6. Can the admin send Mass emails to the users registered? 7. For all the appointments we have 2 options

    a. User can visit the clinic personally

    b. The user and Employee can have a video call online. If this, can we integrate a plugin that shoots a Video Call link to the User upon appointment confirmation?

    8. Can we have a short-code for Individual Employee with their calendar? Can we have a short-code for Top Employees?

  •  1,771
    Miloš replied

    HI Design,
    Thank you for your purchase.

    As I can see you opened a same ticket twice so I will close this one and we can continue discussion on other one.

    Best regards.

    Kind Regards, 

    Miloš Jovanović
    [email protected]

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