  Public Ticket #2095836
Question regarding making an appointment that requires multiple workers.


  • Catalin started the conversation


    I watched some demos of your plugin and I'm almost ready to purchase it. Love the friendly interface. 
    I just have a small question. Some of the services that I want to make available from the system require more than 1 workers. Let's say 2 or three. Is there a way to do this? It would require both of their time tables to be reserved with one service. 

    In case this is not available how much would it cost to add an extra feature like this?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Catalin,

    Thank you for your interest.

    Unfortunately, right now we don't have that feature now, but it is in our road map.

    There's a workaround our users do, you can connect employees to the sam google calendar and that way slots will be booked for all connected to that calendar.