  Public Ticket #2068542
Only 1 Appointment a day?


  • Arno Hoffrichter started the conversation

    Hi dear Team, 

    i was wondering if its possible to:

    • only have one appointment available a day?
    • in the front-end booking module: if thee is only one specific service an worker-team that is available. Is it possible to disable the first steps where selecting the Worker and Service? (see attached image)

    i am looking forward to read from you.

    Thanks alot. Arno

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Arno,

    Yes, you can make availability for you services as you wish. 

    If you have just one employee and just one service, at the front-end booking for will be shown just calendar, there wont be employee and service drop-down. If you have multiple but you want to show just one service and one employee, you can make a short-code for service and employee: https://cl.ly/85b703f3beac

    Let me know If there's anything else I can help you with.