  Public Ticket #2062383
Minimum number for events bookings


  •  3
    Ryan Jensen started the conversation


    Currently I use Events Plus for a client on letting people register for an event. That is the site I put into the related URL. I want to create a system for clients to be able to manage their own event bookings and also set up calendars with time slots to allow people to book directly on the site while at the event.

    Amelia looks very easy to use for what I want.

    The main thing I would like to know, is there a way to set a MINIMUM ticket amount for an event? For the events we normally require that current patients bring at least 2 guests. We don't want them to be able to register without selecting at least 3 slots and having invited guests. I see you can do this with the group appointment bookings (a minimum amount of guests). Would it be possible to add to events.

    Also, for events, is there a way to add our own custom fields and checkboxes? We sometimes collect physical addresses to continually update a mailing list. We also would like a terms and conditions check box verifying they understand the terms (age requirements, guest requirements etc).

    In addition, the phone field seems annoying that the user has to scroll to their country before the phone number will be accepted. is there a way to have it always default (and maybe not even visible) for the USA. We will not have any one using the site from other countries.

    Is there any sort of trial on the pro version?

    If I bought for a single site, could I have that amount applied to an unlimited account if i decided to use your software for all of my clients?



  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Ryan,

    Thank you for your interest in our plugin.

    At the moment for events there is no option to set minimum number of tickets, and we also don't have custom fields supported in events at the moment. We've released events just a couple of weeks ago, and we certainly plan to work on it more and add more options and custom fields will certainly be one of those options. At the moment, everything you need you can make with our appointments, if I understand you right you need for customers to be able to choose a time slot. In events, they wouldn't be able to choose a time slots, only to choose an event. However, at the moment we don't have option for customer to select more than one time slot during the booking, but time slots duration depends on the service duration and if you set it to 3 hours customers will not be able to book 1 or 2 hours.

    As for the phone field, you can choose a specific country code for the phone numbers, otherwise, you can choose the “Identify country code by user’s IP address” option and the country code will be “guessed” by current user’s IP address.

    You can try our plugin here to see all the options that we have.

    The price of $59 is for a single license on one domain, you can use it on several sub-domains but just one main domain. If you decide to use on multiple domains you will have to upgrade to our Pro or Developer license.

    Best regards.