  Public Ticket #2053342
Chart - Point - Dynamic color change


  • Lee Pettijohn started the conversation

    Is there a way to change the color of a series point based on information in the table on the same page?


     If the Test Kit Type in the above URL is KT4, then the dot in the chart is a different color.  )

    I tried looking through the API documents and thought I might be able to use something like ...

    obj.chart.series[0].data, function(i, point) {

    // change color if condition is met


    BUT I don't know if obj.chart.series is accessible 

    Any help is great.  Thanks.

  •  2,572
    Aleksandar replied

    Hello Lee.

    I am sorry to disappoint you, but unfortunately I have never done this, so I'd too have to look through callbacks.

    I would provide you at least with a hint if I knew, but I'm sorry to say I don't.

    Every engine has a different approach to chart settings. In wpDataChart callbacks you have to adopt those settings to the wpDataChart object (you can take a look at examples for each engine in our documentation, and also in Support help center). Huge number of examples for any area of programming can be found on stackoverflow.com (typing your problem in google and at the end add "site: stackoverflow.com" and google will search only that website). Also, a lot of examples of charts, chart settings and customization can be found on jsffidle.net (typing in google for example "line chart highcharts jsffidle").

    Please note that using hooks or wpdatatable and wpDataChart callbacks requires certain level of programming skills and included support refers only to advice.

    Best regards.

    Kind Regards, 

    Aleksandar Vuković
    [email protected]

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