  Public Ticket #2045588
Question about Custom Fields


  • Sven Stauden started the conversation


    we are a business consultancy team from Germany and we need a service to manage meetings from customers.

    Amelia seems very promising for us but I have 2 question about the possibilty for 2 features of the plug-in:

    - Is it possible to integrate a file-upload field into the Booking-Wizard View so that the customer can upload a simple PDF, e.g. using simple HTML/JS? -> And how do we access the uploaded file?

    - Is there a possibility, that the Booking-Wizard adds fields dynamically, e.g. when the user input meets a certain condition?

    Thank you very much for your support and have a nice day,

    Sven S.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Sven Stauden,

    Thank you for your interest in our plugin.

    "- Is it possible to integrate a file-upload field into the Booking-Wizard View so that the customer can upload a simple PDF, e.g. using simple HTML/JS? -> And how do we access the uploaded file?"

    At the moment we don't have this option in our plugin. However, we have it on our To Do list for one of the future updates.

    "- Is there a possibility, that the Booking-Wizard adds fields dynamically, e.g. when the user input meets a certain condition?"

    Unfortunately something like this is not possible with our plugin, you can only create custom fields that will be shown on the booking form depending on which service customer has chosen, is this something that would suit you? More about our custom fields option you can read here.

    Best regards.