  Public Ticket #2045501


  •  3
    Diago Arcos started the conversation


    Is there some feature to the customer leave a review for the employees, once that the service is complete?

    Maybe something like stars...

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Diago Arcos,

    Thank you for your interest in our plugin.

    Unfortunately we don't have rating feature at the moment. We certainly plan to work on more features and to follow our users needs in prioritization. If this feature gets more requests we will certainly move it on our priorities list.

    Best regards.

  • Alex G replied


    I am also interested in this feature.

    Best regards, Alex

  •  4
    Neha Ramesh replied

    That would be really nice.

  • [deleted] replied

    I Neha,

    We have noted your vote, also you can vote for the features here: https://wpamelia.cnflx.io/boards/feature-requests