  Public Ticket #2045107
Email Marketing


  •  2
    Simon Horner started the conversation

    I was thinking of using Amelia for bookings. Obviously emails of clients will be entered by them. Are there any plugins that could use the captured emails for email marketing each time a new course is added to the courses available? Or is there a way of doing this through Amelia?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Simon Horner,

    Thank you for your inquiry.

    At the moment the only way to achieve this automatically (without plugin customization) is to use java script call back method that will execute after the successful booking (one of the parameters is customer's email), and booking data could be sent to some custom URL end point.

    Manually you would be able to export customers list from our customers page on the back-end and then import emails from that list to some email marketing software.

    Best regards.