  Public Ticket #2044346
Services with employees


  • Rob started the conversation


    I want to create services for items that don't have employees. Specifically tennis courts. I just want to rent courts. Can you product do services that don't have employees associated?

    Also, I tried to use the free plugin on the latest version of Wordpress with blocks. Wordpress downloaded an old version and your plugin would not let me update to V2.0 to test block (no licence). So, that wasn't all that helpful.



  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Rob,

    Thank you for your interest in our plugin.

    In our plugin it is necessary to create at least one employee and to connect it with services so the plugin can function properly. If you have several tennis courts you need to create those tennis courts in the place where employees are so each tennis court can have its own availability (however you should know that each employee needs to have different email address - if you don't have this there is a workaround if you use gmail or outlook for sending emails). If, on the other hand you have just one tennis court you can create one employee, connect it with the services so the plugin can function properly but that employee will not be visible for selecting since it is the only one.

    As for your second question, we didn't release update for Lite yet, we are preparing it and the Lite will be updated probably tomorrow.

    Best regards.