  Public Ticket #2042412
Operational aspect


  •  2
    Simon Horner started the conversation


    I would like my clients to sign up to terms and conditions for the appointment when they book.

    Is it possible to do this in Amelia



  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Simon,

    Thank you for your interest in our plugin.

    It is possible to add some checkbox or some other type of the field on the booking form to ask the customers to agree to term and conditions or to add a link to terms and conditions (or both). More about our custom fields you can read here. You can also try this option on our demo. Go to the "Customize page", open custom fields tab, then create fields that you need and go to the front-end booking form to see how it looks like. Just so you know, our demo refreshes on 15th minute of an hour, so you should make these changes in one hour.

    Best regards.