  Public Ticket #2020306
Payment splitting


  • Jamie started the conversation

    Hi. We're looking for a bookings plugin that allows different 'employees' to receive payments directly through the site. This is because as with many businesses, our services are provided by people who are technically not our employees but are self-employed and ideally they would be able to add their bank details to their profile and then when they are booked and a payment made, then the amount minus a % fee taken into our account would go straight to them, cutting down on an enormous amount of admin. Is this possible with WP Amelia either on it's own or in combination with other plugins? Thanks. Jamie

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Jamie,

    Thank you for your interest in our plugin.

    Unfortunately this is not possible with Amelia. In our plugin all payments go to one account that you set. We only have option to track the revenue by each employee on our Dashboard and based on that to configure payments to the employees but you would need to set this outside the Amelia.

    Best regards.