  Public Ticket #2019613
Bookings only displayed to user


  • Hugh started the conversation

    Hi there, I have a client looking to manage appointments entirely (without the need for a booking form), and have individual private calendars displayed for users in a portal that they log into once we've created an account for them.

    I've figured out the portal login and private content functionality using a separate plugin, however I was wondering if I could use Amelia as a way to display each individual's private calendar via shortcode on their page after logging into the portal. Could you tell me if this is possible using Amelia?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Hugh,

    Thank you for your interest in our plugin.

    I am not sure that I have understand what do you need for your use case. It would be great if you could provide me with more information. In our plugin we have options for creating service, employees and locations. Each employee can have its own working schedule, and if they have Amelia employee user role they can log in and see the calendar with their appointments. There is no need to create front-end booking shortcode if you need just to track the appointments on the back-end but then employees need to add those appointments manually on the back-end, so they can track their availability. Each employee only has the access to the calendar and appointments page with only their appointments but those pages are not totally private since the admin can see the calendar and appointments page with all appointments from all employees.

    Best regards.