  Public Ticket #2018535
Booking more than one appointment in one transaction


  • Geoff started the conversation

    We purchased Amelia several days ago. We love it! There's one issue, though: we offer a service that works better when customers can book several appointments without having to treat each booking as a separate transaction. We need customers to be able to select multiple dates/appointment times whenever they are booking with us.

    Is it possible to add this functionality in the near-term? If not, we'll likely be returning Amelia, a product which otherwise suits our needs just fine.

  •  472
    Isidora replied

    Hi Geoff,
    Thank you for your purchase.

    Unfortunately at the moment it is not possible with built in features of plugin. We have this feature on our road map, but there is a priority features that have to be done first(Events are almost finished, Multiply locations, then Front-end cabinet for customers, recurring appointments...) This features will be implemented by end of this year.

    Best regards.

    Kind Regards, 

    Isidora Markovic

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