  Public Ticket #2017109
Dog Care reservation


  • Nimesh started the conversation

    Please check https://www.bandlpetcare.com/

    Click on book now and check the system and functionality.

    Is this something that can be achieved here?

    Please let me know.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Nimesh,

    Thank you for your interest in our plugin.

    Unfortunately something like this is not possible with our plugin at the moment. You would be able to create services and employees and to add service extras, but at the moment we don't have option for service to last more than one day, and we also don't have these options to enter the pick up and drop off days and time, as well as to enter the details for each dog if there are multiple ones. You would be able to add custom fields to the booking form where clients can enter these data, but it wouldn't look like this. More about our custom fields option you can read here, but you should know that data that is entered in these fields doesn't affect the price.

    Best regards.

  • Nimesh replied

    How much would you take develop this functionality form?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Nimesh,

    This customization would take approximately 1,5 month and it would cost approximately €3000.

    Best regards.