  Public Ticket #2013004
Payment methord


  • Fasalul started the conversation

    Dear Team,

    I would like to purchase this plugin for a cleaning and maid service website, it will be very helpful if you are answering my following questions.

    1) How effective this plugin for scheduling and booking appointment for a cleaning service website.

    2) can we integrate Visa or master card payment method to it..?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Fasalul,

    Thank you for your interest in our plugin.

    1) I am not sure which options you need for cleaning services, but we have options for creating services, employees and locations. So if you create services as different size apartments and you set duration and price for it you can also add extras for each services so the customer can select if he needs window cleaning or some other extra service, and the price and duration of the service will change. However, if you need more options for selecting the number of rooms, windows etc, then I am afraid that something like this is not possible.

    2) We have PayPal, Stripe and On-site payment, and we also have integration with WooCommerce for various other payment methods.

    Best regards.