  Public Ticket #2010204
Mobile firendly


  • shehbaz started the conversation


    I am interested buying this plugin, I have few question on it.

    1) Is the plugin mobile responsive?

    2) when I tried your demo site on the mobile, the one issue I found was when selected dates and time slot the page doesn't automatically scrolls down to next step.....

    this is a big issue as users never now if there are new info displayed or to follow as they are out of view.

    is there a solution for this ?  

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Shehbaz,

    Thank you for your interest in our plugin.

    1) Yes it is mobile responsive, you can try our demo on mobile.

    2) Yes, we are aware of this issue, and we will give our best to fix it as soon as possible, it is forwarded to our team.

    If you are interested I could inform you once we fix it?

    Best regards.

  • shehbaz replied


    If you can inform me when this is fixed it be great.

    Are we talking about months or weeks for the fix? as 80% of the users access website via mobile device and this issue was very apparent from the demo outset .



  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Shehbaz,

    I will certainly inform you once we fix this. It will be very soon.

    Best regards.

  • shehbaz replied

    Sorry last question please, Can I have date and time set for a course (so users don't have to select as its one off course)?


  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Shehbaz,

    Unfortunately not at the moment, but we are currently working on the Event Booking feature and with it you will be able to just create course as event and show it on the Event list. It will probably be in the same update as this fix, however because it is one of the largest features we cannot precisely say when, but we are doing our best to be as soon as possible.

    Best regards.