  Public Ticket #2003451
Offers and notes


  • Matteo started the conversation

    Hi there,
    I am thinking to buy your plugin for one of my customers. The client is an osteopath and needs a booking system for his website. 

    Basically he has 3 different treatments which customers can book.
    1 treatment (30min) 30£
    2 treatments (30min each) 50£
    10 treatments (30min each) 450£

    1 treatment is a basic option in your plugin and I am fine with it. About 2 treatment I am not sure if it is possible for the customer to book 2 appointments in 2 different dates but in the same transaction (so they can get the offer). I have the same doubt for 10 treatments in the same transaction.
    Can we allow them to have example 10 credits for free appointments if the buy the 10 treatment bundle? If not, any other solutions?

    Once the appointment is booked and the osteopath done the treatment, can he check his previous appointment and add notes in it. Example lets say a customer done 2 treatments and the osteopath wants to check what was the previous treatment or if there are any notes to be aware of. Are we allow to do this with Amelia? 

    Thank you for your time, I hope your plugin will allow me to have the features above, I really like the job you have done with it. 


  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Mateo,

    Thank you for your interest in our plugin.

    Q1: Unfortunately we don't have the option of selling packages at the moment (the 2 treatments and 10 treatments will basically be packages). However, since this feature is requested a lot we plan to implement it in the future. As I cannot say when because we have a few large features before this one I can say that there will be a workaround for this - we have option for creating coupons. Each coupon can be assigned to one, multiple or all services. At the moment you would need to send those coupons to your customers after the first purchase to use it for the second one. However, we plan to add a placeholder to emails so the coupon can be sent automatically with email that customer receives after the scheduling. In that case, if you create two coupons (one for 2 treatment with discount of 10£ and the other for 10 treatments) and you create these 3 as different services once the customer chooses the treatment and book he will receive the email with coupon code. It is not the best solution but it will be a workaround.

    If you are interested I can inform you after we release an update with this feature?

    Q2: Each employee can have its own profile and Amelia employee user role. With this role by default they can log in and see their appointments (they will not see other Amelia pages except Calendar and Appointments page, and they will not see WordPress panel). You can allow them in our Roles Settings to edit appointments and there they have option Internal Note where they can write anything about the appointment and only that employee and the admin will see that info.

    Best regards.