  Public Ticket #2002661
Change Branding Name


  • ariffin started the conversation

    Hi, I have a question about this plugin, can i remove all Amelia branding name and replace it with the business name i want?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Ariffin,

    Thank you for your interest in our plugin.

    It is possible if you create .svg image that will be the same size as ameli-logo-symbol.svg and amelia-logo-horizontal.svg, name them exactly the same as these two images and then replace these two image from folder. Other option is to change this in the file. However, each time when you update the plugin, your changes will be lost, so you will need to do this again.

    Best regards.

  • ariffin replied

    Allright, i have another question, if I integrate the woocommerce payment method, can the appoinment automatic become approved when succesfully paid?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Ariffin,

    Yes, we have the option in General Settings to set Default Appointment Status, and if you set it as Approved, each appointment will have approved status once they finish the payment and booking process.

    Best regards.

  • ariffin replied

    I have a booking conditions where adult and child is different pricing. Eg:

    adult = $100

    child = $50

    does amelia support this option? because i see in your demo have an option bringing anyone with you? but i dont know if it possible to select adult or child. Please help i really interested with your plugin.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Ariffin,

    Unfortunately we don't have this option at the moment. The price can be different for each service and for each employee, but we don't have option to set up price to be different for adult and child. We certainly plan to implement more options for setting up the price, I am not sure when but based on the users' requests we will implement this option as well.

    Best regards.

  • ariffin replied

    Hi, if so do you accept custom customization if I need that option? your plugin are very good but there is one feature missing for my needs. Can i get some quote to have that option. Thanks.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi ariffin,

    I have asked our development team but at the moment they are all very busy to accept any kind of customization request, so at the moment we cannot work on this.

    Best regards.

  • ariffin replied

    Hi,  I try one of your demo and enable woocommerce payment, but the booking does not redirect me to checkout page, how to do that? 


  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Ariffin,

    Can you please try now? We have tested it and everything is working. Maybe the demo refreshed at that moment so your enabled option become disabled. The demo refreshes each 15th minute of an hour, so you need to try after or before this time.

    Best regards.