  Public Ticket #1998686
Adding a step to the booking process


  • Jan Pavel started the conversation


    I wonder if Amelia would be able to accommodate a specific additional step into the booking process.

    I have a consultancy company and as per my regulator, I need all my customers to sign a consultation agreement. The signature can be in the form of checking of a box: 'I Agree....'

    I would need the following:

    1) an extra step in the booking sequence (likely prior to making a payment) where my customer would have to agree to the Terms and Conditions.'

    2) once the step with the Terms and Conditions appears, it should be dynamically prefilled with the customer's name, address, contact info and the description of the consultation (this information would be collected in one of the earlier steps in the booking sequence).

    Example: I, John Newman, agree to this and that, etc

    3) finally, once the customer checks off the terms and pays, a copy of the terms and conditions would be emailed to the customer and myself for record keeping.

    Thank you kindly for the time responding to my inquiry.



  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Jan,

    Thank you for your interest in our plugin.

    Unfortunately something like this is not possible with our plugin at the moment. However, we have option for creating additional fields on the booking form (the step where customer enters his data). You can take a look at our custom fields feature to see. You would need to create Text Content custom field where you would add a link to the Terms and Conditions and you would need to add a Checkbox where customers will be able to check the agreement.

    You can try this on our demo site here, the custom fields are placed on the Customize page, under the second tab.

    Best regards.

  • Jan Pavel replied

    Thank you,

    I suppose I could use the custom fields. 

    Does Amelia send an email summary of the order where all my extra fields would appear?


  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Jan,

    You are welcome.

    Yes, if you set the placeholders in emails for those custom fields. We have various placeholders and each field that you add will have its own with ID. Once you hover over the placeholder you will see the name and know which custom field is. More about placeholders you can read here.

    Best regards.