  Public Ticket #1979293
is it possible


  • Davids started the conversation

    Hello i was wondering if it is possible to add 10 fixed days and hours to a service. a dog trainer sell its training with max 8 persons a training for 10 weeks in a row. all of them should be a fixed selection of days/week/hours and should not be configurable on frontend.

    is this possible?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Davids,

    Thank you for your interest in our plugin.

    It is possible to make a specific schedule for each service but if you need for your customers to book a package of training for 10 weeks then you should know that at the moment we don't have packages option unfortunately. However, we are currently working on the Event booking feature that will allow creating of recurring events that will be scheduled for a certain period and hours, and I think that this will suit your needs. With event booking customers won't be able to choose a date and time, they will just see the list of events (training) and they can book it.

    If you are interested I could inform you once we release an update with the event booking?

    Best regards.