I am trying to understand if this is, what I am looking for. Maybe you can help me to understand the possibilities a little better.
We are baby-clinic-photographers. several photographers are working for us in several clinics. we offer a free shooting for every baby born. This is what we do and what we are.
Now we are trying to build our own database to get a better overview of what happens in those clinics. Like date of photo-shootings, number of babys with full shooting, number of babys that only wanted 1 picture for the clinic gallery and so on.
What we want to give to the photographers, is a form, that they can fill out online with the information we need, for each baby. This should be done by using your gravity forms plugin. The photographer should see all data sheets he has created in a table, being able to edit if necessary.
We as the owner, need to see those data in several custom reports and/or statistics for each clinic for certain periods of time, for example.
Is that something we can achieve with wpdataTables and your gravity form plugin?
First off - what you guys do is awesome! I would have loved having you guys in the clinic where my kids were born
Anyway, let's get back to the questions.
"Gravity Forms Integration for wpDataTables" is an add-on that requires full versions of "Gravity Forms" core plugin and "wpDataTables" installed. Just to make it clear that it's not our plugin, but instead an integration we created with the Gravity team.
In case you missed it in our documentation, here are some limitations to this integration Add-on:
Gravity Forms integration add-on is working with a wpDataTables plugin and a core Gravity Forms plugin. However, integration with other Gravity Forms add-ons isn’t confirmed, so we cannot guarantee that it will work.
Unavailable options – Because we are using Gravity own forms for editing functionalities, some features are unavailable in both table and column settings. These options are grayed out and disabled.
Searching and sorting with Server-side processing – After turning on server-side processing sorting and searching may start to behave unexpectedly. We plan to work with Gravity team to improve it in future versions.
Editing existing entry for multi-page form – Editing will work but it will be rendered as a single page form, the same way as it is on the Gravity forms edit page.
Duplicate option not working for editing existing entries – Gravity Forms doesn’t validate this option on editing existing entries.
Configuring table relations (foreign key) – This option is not available for Gravity based tables
Choosing editor input type – This falls under the first limitation. We are rendering Gravity form in edit popup modal it is not possible to choose editor input type.
So, you will be able to create a form which you will be able to use in wpDataTables - 100% if you're using only the Integration add-on and core Gravity Forms plugin, and that percentage will be dropping when you add other Gravity add-ons you may want to add.
Once created - the table will auto update once a new entry has been added through a form, and that entry can be modified or erased from the table created from the Form. You can also limit the photographers from editing or viewing each other's entries by using the "Users see and edit only own data" feature. This would create a table from that one form used by all photographers, but when they go to edit the table, they would only be able to see and edit their own entries. Please take a look at the video in the documentation on it, to see how you (as an admin) can view and edit all of those entries.
As for building reports I don't know how you thought about creating them, but we do have another add-on especially for that - Report Builder. It creates reports in Excel and Word formats. Using Table export tools simply doesn't do for many users, since you can only export what's currently being displayed on the screen, so for large tables - it is nearly impossible to export entire tables.
That's why we have Report Builder. Please take a look at the documentation, and don't hesitate to ask anything. I'll try to answer all your questions before purchase, so there is no confusion.
I am not sure if we will need "Gravity" at all. I just thought, it is a nicer way to create a new entry but I do not want to blow it all up, if it is not needed at the beginning of this project.
If I read your documentation, I have the feeling that a lot of things can be achieved with wpdataTable + the ReportBuilder plugin but I am not sure if we can pull together all the different data we would need to get a full overview of what we do.
For example, what about WooCommerce data? Can that be pulled, too? How far goes your customization service? We, as a growing company are looking for a final solution that gives us every data we need. That also includes data from Woo.
It is a little complicated for me to explain but I try.
We want to store data of every clinic-shooting we do. We want to see how many shoots we had in a certain clinic, at a certain date or period of time. We want to see if it was a full-shooting or just a shootings for the clinic-gallery photo. Things like that.
But at the end, we need a report that is showing us, on one line per clinic:
Clinic ID (like KSL), Number full shootings (like 30), Number part shootings (like 5), Number of Orders received (like 20), Total amount of orders (like CHF 20.000,-).
All orders that are generated carry the clinik ID as post_meta_data.
So the question is, do you think this can be achieved? Maybe with some custom work by WP Kraken?
I know, it is complicated but maybe you can see the possibilities much more clear than I do.
You can pull that data using basic SQL Query like:
SELECT * FROM woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta
Or, you could use our Query generator for MySQL database. Please note that MySQL query constructor is not an ‘ultimate generator’, it should be treated as helper for constructing a suggestion of a query, by trying to ‘guess’ what you want. We are constantly working to improve it, but SQL is such a complicated and flexible language that fully automating the process for constructing queries is hardly possible. Consequently, the more complicated your request is, the higher is the probability that it will not return exactly what you need. Play around with the resulting query to achieve better results.
So, basically "anything" is possible, depending on your knowledge of MySQL, PHP, javascript, CSS, HTML, etc. We do offer our customization services, but our developers are very busy and I don't believe they'll have spare time in the near future to take on any customization request. That's why we advise users to forward the customization request to https://wpkraken.io/?tms-plugins (by this link they would know you come from us).
However, what you're trying to achieve doesn't sound like a customization request.
I would create a new table for each clinic. Then pull the data into one big table where all clinics would be listed. So, you can filter by each clinic and place the report on the same page where the table is (with "Follow table filtering" enabled), so it would generate a report for the filtered values for that one clinic.
I would love it, though, if you could create a table in Excel with sample values, and send it to me, so I can recreate it in wpDataTables, and Report builder and see what's the best way to go about it.
It is very kind of you to provide this amazing support. I will work on those Excel files with sample data. I will send it to you today or latest by tomorrow.
Hopefully I got it right, what you have requested from me for better understanding. Attached is an Excel file with 1 example of what we need from every photographer and every clinic we work with. Then I have included an example of the report, that we would need to generate as the owner of this project.
I hope that this can give you a little bit more info about what we want to achieve.
Thanks a lot for all.
If you want credentials for our dev installation, please let me know.
I believe I understood what you're trying to achieve here.
Although it may be complicated, I believe it can still be done. You say you have a custom plugin that's inserting the gallery code which is stored in the database.
What I don't understand is - is the gallery code being entered by the photographers or should it be pulled automatically?
If it's being entered by the photographers - then the table from your Excel file can be a manual table, a separate one for each clinic - that's simple.
If it's being pulled from the database, my advice would be to create a table in wpDataTables that has only Gallery Code column, with an ID associated to each code. In that way - we can use Foreign Keys to pull it into the manual table.
I would create a new table, though for Full, Part, Abortion, Boy, Girl, Twins columns, but I'd add an ID column to each of these, so they can be used as foreign keys as well.
For example - you created a manual table for clinic KSL - Foreign key pulls the gallery id, based on the ID column from "Gallery ID" table, and depending on the values for those columns, it'd be a drop down that'd select X or O and store that as foreign key with the value of 1. This way we could calculate the SUM for those entries.
Please tell me if I'm making any sense here?
I'll try and create something over the weekend, so I can give you a proper example. I cannot promise anything, though, but I'll do my best.
I do understand most of what you say about the extra table and the dropdown to choose from. However, I think it is time to explain a little more in detail about how our gallery code system is working.
Here I try...
We have a custom plugin, that is doing all our custom features. The workflow of what we do is this:
If a shootings is completed, the mother is getting a card with a gallery code on it. An example is BC19-KSL-0010-mia. Those cards are printed with unique numbers, like BC19-KSL-0010- and the photographer is only adding the name of the baby at the end of the code.
Then our team is creating a folder, containing all images plus some other files we need for each shooting. The folder is named with the gallery code. The folder is uploaded to our server, where our website is living. Once it has arrived on the server, it is generating a gallery.
The mother has to login to our website with the gallery code. If she did, she is forwarded to what we call "Private Gallery Page". this is where she can view the images, this is where she can enter the shop with the products. After logging in with the gallery code, every order is related to that gallery code. The gallery code is "injected to every product that is bought".
This is how we keep it all together to the unique gallery code.
Now back to the photographers. What we want is, that every photographer, in any clinic we work with, is creating a data sheet for every shooting. If we create a database for every clinic, the the clinic ID would be the same for all sheets they create, like "KSL".
I think, all this is not really the problem. The problem are the reports because they have to pull together data from those clinic databases but also some data from wooCommerce. Otherwise we will have no sales data, related to the clinics.
Can you follow?
Out of the box, woo can not create a report for us with data related to clinic ID's. We have installed a plugin, called "WooCommerce Reporting" and we paid for some custom work. They have made it possible to create reports, per clinic, with number of orders and total amount. So somehow, they excluded the clinic ID (like KSL) from the gallery code, which looks like bc19-ksl-0010-mia.
Do you understand what I am trying to say.
Hopefully because I really appreciate your kindness and help very much.
following Query return a list of product categories:
SELECT wp_terms.*
FROM wp_terms
LEFT JOIN wp_term_taxonomy ON wp_terms.term_id = wp_term_taxonomy.term_id
WHERE wp_term_taxonomy.taxonomy = 'product_one';
So it shouldn't be very difficult to achieve.
We released our store on https://wpdatatables.com/ where you can purchase the plugin with a 15-day money back guarantee, so you can now test the full version and see if it will suit your needs.
Also, it'd be much easier for me to help you out if I have a live website I can log into and see how everything looks, and where things are.
Yes, I also thought it is better to buy the plugin first and then continue (hopefully) with your help. I will do this this week. We have a dev installation which is pretty much up to date: I think it is a good place to play around. I will keep you updated on my progress and I will provide full access credentials for you.
Hi Aleksandar. Hope all is good with you and your family ;-)
This project is not forgotten. Actually I just have to much on my table already to focus on it as I would like to do. I still did not buy the plugin but will do very soon. The need for this features becomes more and more important for us but there is so much to think about before we start. I do not want to waste to much time on something that does not lead to what we need. I am sure you understand.
Two questions came up yesterday, when talking to a clinic that may want our service in the future.
Let`s say we have a database with all the birth data for every shooting (created with WPdataTables). The gallery code (actually the unique ID of the shooting), name, date of birth, sex, time of birth, weight, size and....
...now the 2 questions come
Is it also possible to include an image of the baby to the data sheet? Could we share some of that data, like image, name, date, weight, size, sex with the clinic? I mean by using an interface (I think that is the correct word for it!?), to make it possible for the clinic to pull some of the data directly into their website. Each clinic has a "New Arrival's" Photo Gallery, where all the newborns are shown with image and birth data. I am sure you are aware of that or maybe you don't have that in your country.
Right now, our team has to log in to those clinic galleries to maintain that information. This is difficult because every clinic has a different gallery. That makes the workflow difficult. The idea now is, to fill in that type of information only in our own data base and then share some of the data with the clinics by using interfaces.
You got the idea. Is this something that could be achieved, of course with some extra coding by a specialist (interfaces), when using WPDataTables?
Thanks for helping me. It is not easy for me to find the right way to get us where we want to get at the end.
I'm doing well, thank you. Hope everything is great on your end as well.
Unfortunately, we don't have services like this in Serbia, and even if we do it's for private clinics where prices go sky high
I can understand you don't want to waste your time on something that won't get you to where you want to be, of course, so I'll try to answer all your questions.
First thing I'd like to know is what's your idea on "sharing data"? All tables except for tables linked to Excel, CSV or Google Spreadsheet are being stored in the database, so that data is shareable if you share the DB access (that's one way). The other way would be either exporting the table in Excel, CSV or PDF, but the table tools that handle exporting are very limited, and you can see the limitations here.
If you want to share it in a Excel or Word file, you can take a look at our Report Builder add-on, where you'd need to create a template, where you'd choose which columns will be exported in an Excel or Word file.
If the clinics would be able to share their databases with you, then you could use them with our plugin by connecting them with Separate DB Connection feature. That rules out you logging into their website and downloading information, and you'll be able to do it straight out of the database. You can even test it live on our sandbox site.
So, in the end it all comes down to PHPMyAdmin, and SQL query based tables.
The thing is.... we do not need anything from the clinic, they need from us. They have a TB table on their website, showing all the new arrivals. If we start working with them together, they have asked us if they can connect to our DB to fetch the baby data they need for their website gallery.
The idea is, that our team is putting in all baby data in OUR DB and not directly into the clinic DB. Once the data is in our DB, the clinic database got to fetch the new data automatically (I think that is done by a Cron job, right?). It is not about sharing data using files, like PDF or Excel. It is about a live connection between 2 DB's.
So I think, what you said at the end of your last comment, would have been the other way around, right? They have to pull data from us, right?
Right now, our team has to log in to those clinic galleries to maintain that information.
So, yeah, them connecting to your DB sounds about right.
You can share the DB with them, so they can pull the data they need from it. It'd be good to do it by a Cron job, that too is correct. However, setting that up would be on you
Hi there.
I am trying to understand if this is, what I am looking for. Maybe you can help me to understand the possibilities a little better.
We are baby-clinic-photographers. several photographers are working for us in several clinics. we offer a free shooting for every baby born. This is what we do and what we are.
Now we are trying to build our own database to get a better overview of what happens in those clinics. Like date of photo-shootings, number of babys with full shooting, number of babys that only wanted 1 picture for the clinic gallery and so on.
What we want to give to the photographers, is a form, that they can fill out online with the information we need, for each baby. This should be done by using your gravity forms plugin. The photographer should see all data sheets he has created in a table, being able to edit if necessary.
We as the owner, need to see those data in several custom reports and/or statistics for each clinic for certain periods of time, for example.
Is that something we can achieve with wpdataTables and your gravity form plugin?
Thanks for your help.
Hi Mark.
Thank you for your interest in our plugins.
First off - what you guys do is awesome! I would have loved having you guys in the clinic where my kids were born
Anyway, let's get back to the questions.
"Gravity Forms Integration for wpDataTables" is an add-on that requires full versions of "Gravity Forms" core plugin and "wpDataTables" installed. Just to make it clear that it's not our plugin, but instead an integration we created with the Gravity team.
In case you missed it in our documentation, here are some limitations to this integration Add-on:
So, you will be able to create a form which you will be able to use in wpDataTables - 100% if you're using only the Integration add-on and core Gravity Forms plugin, and that percentage will be dropping when you add other Gravity add-ons you may want to add.
Once created - the table will auto update once a new entry has been added through a form, and that entry can be modified or erased from the table created from the Form. You can also limit the photographers from editing or viewing each other's entries by using the "Users see and edit only own data" feature. This would create a table from that one form used by all photographers, but when they go to edit the table, they would only be able to see and edit their own entries. Please take a look at the video in the documentation on it, to see how you (as an admin) can view and edit all of those entries.
As for building reports I don't know how you thought about creating them, but we do have another add-on especially for that - Report Builder. It creates reports in Excel and Word formats. Using Table export tools simply doesn't do for many users, since you can only export what's currently being displayed on the screen, so for large tables - it is nearly impossible to export entire tables.
That's why we have Report Builder. Please take a look at the documentation, and don't hesitate to ask anything. I'll try to answer all your questions before purchase, so there is no confusion.
Best regards.
Kind Regards,
Aleksandar Vuković
[email protected]
Rate my support
wpDataTables: FAQ | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Front-end and back-end demo | Docs
Amelia: FAQ | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Amelia demo sites | Docs | Discord Community
You can try wpDataTables add-ons before purchasing on these sandbox sites:
Powerful Filters | Gravity Forms Integration for wpDataTables | Formidable Forms Integration for wpDataTables | Master-Detail Tables
Hi Aleksandar.
Thank you for the compliment ;-)
I am not sure if we will need "Gravity" at all. I just thought, it is a nicer way to create a new entry but I do not want to blow it all up, if it is not needed at the beginning of this project.
If I read your documentation, I have the feeling that a lot of things can be achieved with wpdataTable + the ReportBuilder plugin but I am not sure if we can pull together all the different data we would need to get a full overview of what we do.
For example, what about WooCommerce data? Can that be pulled, too? How far goes your customization service? We, as a growing company are looking for a final solution that gives us every data we need. That also includes data from Woo.
It is a little complicated for me to explain but I try.
We want to store data of every clinic-shooting we do. We want to see how many shoots we had in a certain clinic, at a certain date or period of time. We want to see if it was a full-shooting or just a shootings for the clinic-gallery photo. Things like that.
But at the end, we need a report that is showing us, on one line per clinic:
Clinic ID (like KSL), Number full shootings (like 30), Number part shootings (like 5), Number of Orders received (like 20), Total amount of orders (like CHF 20.000,-).
All orders that are generated carry the clinik ID as post_meta_data.
So the question is, do you think this can be achieved? Maybe with some custom work by WP Kraken?
I know, it is complicated but maybe you can see the possibilities much more clear than I do.
Thank you for your help.
Hello again Mark.
Well, yeah, having Gravity is not crucial. It does make it look nicer if you have a form, but definitely not a "must-have".
Now, since WooCommerce stores its data in its own tables like:
You can pull that data using basic SQL Query like:
Or, you could use our Query generator for MySQL database.
Please note that MySQL query constructor is not an ‘ultimate generator’, it should be treated as helper for constructing a suggestion of a query, by trying to ‘guess’ what you want. We are constantly working to improve it, but SQL is such a complicated and flexible language that fully automating the process for constructing queries is hardly possible. Consequently, the more complicated your request is, the higher is the probability that it will not return exactly what you need. Play around with the resulting query to achieve better results.
So, basically "anything" is possible, depending on your knowledge of MySQL, PHP, javascript, CSS, HTML, etc. We do offer our customization services, but our developers are very busy and I don't believe they'll have spare time in the near future to take on any customization request. That's why we advise users to forward the customization request to https://wpkraken.io/?tms-plugins (by this link they would know you come from us).
However, what you're trying to achieve doesn't sound like a customization request.
I would create a new table for each clinic. Then pull the data into one big table where all clinics would be listed. So, you can filter by each clinic and place the report on the same page where the table is (with "Follow table filtering" enabled), so it would generate a report for the filtered values for that one clinic.
I would love it, though, if you could create a table in Excel with sample values, and send it to me, so I can recreate it in wpDataTables, and Report builder and see what's the best way to go about it.
Best regards.
Kind Regards,
Aleksandar Vuković
[email protected]
Rate my support
wpDataTables: FAQ | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Front-end and back-end demo | Docs
Amelia: FAQ | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Amelia demo sites | Docs | Discord Community
You can try wpDataTables add-ons before purchasing on these sandbox sites:
Powerful Filters | Gravity Forms Integration for wpDataTables | Formidable Forms Integration for wpDataTables | Master-Detail Tables
Hi Aleksandar.
It is very kind of you to provide this amazing support. I will work on those Excel files with sample data. I will send it to you today or latest by tomorrow.
Have a great day.
Hi Aleksandar.
Hopefully I got it right, what you have requested from me for better understanding. Attached is an Excel file with 1 example of what we need from every photographer and every clinic we work with. Then I have included an example of the report, that we would need to generate as the owner of this project.
I hope that this can give you a little bit more info about what we want to achieve.
Thanks a lot for all.
If you want credentials for our dev installation, please let me know.
Alright, Mark.
I believe I understood what you're trying to achieve here.
Although it may be complicated, I believe it can still be done. You say you have a custom plugin that's inserting the gallery code which is stored in the database.
What I don't understand is - is the gallery code being entered by the photographers or should it be pulled automatically?
If it's being entered by the photographers - then the table from your Excel file can be a manual table, a separate one for each clinic - that's simple.
If it's being pulled from the database, my advice would be to create a table in wpDataTables that has only Gallery Code column, with an ID associated to each code. In that way - we can use Foreign Keys to pull it into the manual table.
I would create a new table, though for Full, Part, Abortion, Boy, Girl, Twins columns, but I'd add an ID column to each of these, so they can be used as foreign keys as well.
For example - you created a manual table for clinic KSL - Foreign key pulls the gallery id, based on the ID column from "Gallery ID" table, and depending on the values for those columns, it'd be a drop down that'd select X or O and store that as foreign key with the value of 1. This way we could calculate the SUM for those entries.
Please tell me if I'm making any sense here?
I'll try and create something over the weekend, so I can give you a proper example. I cannot promise anything, though, but I'll do my best.
Best regards.
Kind Regards,
Aleksandar Vuković
[email protected]
Rate my support
wpDataTables: FAQ | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Front-end and back-end demo | Docs
Amelia: FAQ | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Amelia demo sites | Docs | Discord Community
You can try wpDataTables add-ons before purchasing on these sandbox sites:
Powerful Filters | Gravity Forms Integration for wpDataTables | Formidable Forms Integration for wpDataTables | Master-Detail Tables
Hi aleksandar.
I do understand most of what you say about the extra table and the dropdown to choose from. However, I think it is time to explain a little more in detail about how our gallery code system is working.
Here I try...
We have a custom plugin, that is doing all our custom features. The workflow of what we do is this:
If a shootings is completed, the mother is getting a card with a gallery code on it. An example is BC19-KSL-0010-mia. Those cards are printed with unique numbers, like BC19-KSL-0010- and the photographer is only adding the name of the baby at the end of the code.
Then our team is creating a folder, containing all images plus some other files we need for each shooting. The folder is named with the gallery code. The folder is uploaded to our server, where our website is living. Once it has arrived on the server, it is generating a gallery.
The mother has to login to our website with the gallery code. If she did, she is forwarded to what we call "Private Gallery Page". this is where she can view the images, this is where she can enter the shop with the products. After logging in with the gallery code, every order is related to that gallery code. The gallery code is "injected to every product that is bought".
This is how we keep it all together to the unique gallery code.
Now back to the photographers. What we want is, that every photographer, in any clinic we work with, is creating a data sheet for every shooting. If we create a database for every clinic, the the clinic ID would be the same for all sheets they create, like "KSL".
I think, all this is not really the problem. The problem are the reports because they have to pull together data from those clinic databases but also some data from wooCommerce. Otherwise we will have no sales data, related to the clinics.
Can you follow?
Out of the box, woo can not create a report for us with data related to clinic ID's. We have installed a plugin, called "WooCommerce Reporting" and we paid for some custom work. They have made it possible to create reports, per clinic, with number of orders and total amount. So somehow, they excluded the clinic ID (like KSL) from the gallery code, which looks like bc19-ksl-0010-mia.
Do you understand what I am trying to say.
Hopefully because I really appreciate your kindness and help very much.
Have a great weekend.
Hello again Mark.
I don't think pulling the data from woocommerce database will be a problem.
Products are located mainly in 2 tables:
Product types, categories, subcategories, tags, attributes and all other custom taxonomies are located in the following tables:
wp_woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies (for product attributes only)
following Query return a list of product categories:
So it shouldn't be very difficult to achieve.
We released our store on https://wpdatatables.com/ where you can purchase the plugin with a 15-day money back guarantee, so you can now test the full version and see if it will suit your needs.
Also, it'd be much easier for me to help you out if I have a live website I can log into and see how everything looks, and where things are.
Best regards.
Kind Regards,
Aleksandar Vuković
[email protected]
Rate my support
wpDataTables: FAQ | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Front-end and back-end demo | Docs
Amelia: FAQ | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Amelia demo sites | Docs | Discord Community
You can try wpDataTables add-ons before purchasing on these sandbox sites:
Powerful Filters | Gravity Forms Integration for wpDataTables | Formidable Forms Integration for wpDataTables | Master-Detail Tables
Hi Aleksandar.
Yes, I also thought it is better to buy the plugin first and then continue (hopefully) with your help. I will do this this week. We have a dev installation which is pretty much up to date: I think it is a good place to play around. I will keep you updated on my progress and I will provide full access credentials for you.
Have a great day.
We got a deal, Mark.
I'll do my best to help you out.
Please note, though, that we are located in Serbia, and our working hours are from 09:00 - 17:00 CET, business days.
Best regards.
Kind Regards,
Aleksandar Vuković
[email protected]
Rate my support
wpDataTables: FAQ | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Front-end and back-end demo | Docs
Amelia: FAQ | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Amelia demo sites | Docs | Discord Community
You can try wpDataTables add-ons before purchasing on these sandbox sites:
Powerful Filters | Gravity Forms Integration for wpDataTables | Formidable Forms Integration for wpDataTables | Master-Detail Tables
Hi Aleksandar. Hope all is good with you and your family ;-)
This project is not forgotten. Actually I just have to much on my table already to focus on it as I would like to do. I still did not buy the plugin but will do very soon. The need for this features becomes more and more important for us but there is so much to think about before we start. I do not want to waste to much time on something that does not lead to what we need. I am sure you understand.
Two questions came up yesterday, when talking to a clinic that may want our service in the future.
Let`s say we have a database with all the birth data for every shooting (created with WPdataTables). The gallery code (actually the unique ID of the shooting), name, date of birth, sex, time of birth, weight, size and....
...now the 2 questions come
Is it also possible to include an image of the baby to the data sheet?
Could we share some of that data, like image, name, date, weight, size, sex with the clinic? I mean by using an interface (I think that is the correct word for it!?), to make it possible for the clinic to pull some of the data directly into their website. Each clinic has a "New Arrival's" Photo Gallery, where all the newborns are shown with image and birth data. I am sure you are aware of that or maybe you don't have that in your country.
Right now, our team has to log in to those clinic galleries to maintain that information. This is difficult because every clinic has a different gallery. That makes the workflow difficult. The idea now is, to fill in that type of information only in our own data base and then share some of the data with the clinics by using interfaces.
You got the idea. Is this something that could be achieved, of course with some extra coding by a specialist (interfaces), when using WPDataTables?
Thanks for helping me. It is not easy for me to find the right way to get us where we want to get at the end.
Hi again Mark.
I'm doing well, thank you. Hope everything is great on your end as well.
Unfortunately, we don't have services like this in Serbia, and even if we do it's for private clinics where prices go sky high
I can understand you don't want to waste your time on something that won't get you to where you want to be, of course, so I'll try to answer all your questions.
First thing I'd like to know is what's your idea on "sharing data"? All tables except for tables linked to Excel, CSV or Google Spreadsheet are being stored in the database, so that data is shareable if you share the DB access (that's one way). The other way would be either exporting the table in Excel, CSV or PDF, but the table tools that handle exporting are very limited, and you can see the limitations here.
If you want to share it in a Excel or Word file, you can take a look at our Report Builder add-on, where you'd need to create a template, where you'd choose which columns will be exported in an Excel or Word file.
You can add images to the table using image-type columns.
If the clinics would be able to share their databases with you, then you could use them with our plugin by connecting them with Separate DB Connection feature. That rules out you logging into their website and downloading information, and you'll be able to do it straight out of the database. You can even test it live on our sandbox site.
So, in the end it all comes down to PHPMyAdmin, and SQL query based tables.
Best regards.
Kind Regards,
Aleksandar Vuković
[email protected]
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Hi Aleksandar.
Thanks for spending your time on me ;-)
The thing is.... we do not need anything from the clinic, they need from us. They have a TB table on their website, showing all the new arrivals. If we start working with them together, they have asked us if they can connect to our DB to fetch the baby data they need for their website gallery.
The idea is, that our team is putting in all baby data in OUR DB and not directly into the clinic DB. Once the data is in our DB, the clinic database got to fetch the new data automatically (I think that is done by a Cron job, right?). It is not about sharing data using files, like PDF or Excel. It is about a live connection between 2 DB's.
So I think, what you said at the end of your last comment, would have been the other way around, right? They have to pull data from us, right?
Hey Mark.
I see - this got me off track:
Right now, our team has to log in to those clinic galleries to maintain that information.
So, yeah, them connecting to your DB sounds about right.
You can share the DB with them, so they can pull the data they need from it. It'd be good to do it by a Cron job, that too is correct. However, setting that up would be on you
Best regards.
Kind Regards,
Aleksandar Vuković
[email protected]
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Cool. I just bought it this second. I will now install on our dev installation ;-)
Glad to hear that Mark!
Please feel free to open a new ticket if you run into any issues.
Best regards!
Kind Regards,
Aleksandar Vuković
[email protected]
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Powerful Filters | Gravity Forms Integration for wpDataTables | Formidable Forms Integration for wpDataTables | Master-Detail Tables