  Public Ticket #1968632


  •  2
    Trimor Sadiku started the conversation


    can you tell me when you will finally implement a GDPR Checkbox which makes this plugin GDPR ready? Sadly it is not at this moment and many europeans can (should) not use it. 

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Trimor,

    We have just release a version where you can make email field optional, and also you can add a checkbox but if this checkbox needs to turn off emails for that particular customer than something like this is not implemented. As one of our users said to us, since all data is stored just in his database (we don't have any access), and he can make email field as optional field (not making it mandatory) this is ok solution for GDPR.

    If you need something additional regarding the GDPR I would be more than grateful if you could explain me what is missing.

    Best regards.

  •  2
    Trimor Sadiku replied

    Hi Isidor,

    a option field which is not mandatory is not GDPR compliant. We need to have a mandatory checkbox which NEEDS to get filled out while making an appointment. So this plugin is not GDPR compliant yet. I really would love to hear if you are working on this and when we can hope for an update. I/we would really like to use your plugin but we can not till this function is implemented. Would love to hear from you about this!

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Trimor,

    Thank you for explaining. So you would just need the mandatory checkbox and if someone doesn't select it he cannot schedule the appointment?

    Best regards.

  •  2
    Trimor Sadiku replied

    Exactly. That is all we need to make this plugin GDPR compliant. I would directly buy it if you could insert this function.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Trimor,

    So, we have checkbox field in our custom fields option. Which you can set as mandatory and display just one option "I accept to receive etc.", and if customer doesn't select it he will not be able to schedule the appointment. However, this checkbox needs to have the label above, so we will investigate if this label can be hidden. You can take a look at my attachment to see how it looks like.

    Best regards.

  •  2
    Trimor Sadiku replied

    Thank you for your answer. Since my appointments should not be payable online, it won't reach to the payment section and so I can not insert this gdpr checkbox early right? 

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Trimor,

    You can insert it on this page that I have shown you. If you don't have payment, you can set 0 as service price and the payment methods and price calculation will be hidden from the bottom of this page, but the page will still be here for the customer to enter his data.

    Best regards.