  Public Ticket #1961127
Extras setting


  • Daniel Bar-Ness started the conversation


    I purchased and then refunded Amelia a while ago, but now that I've been searching and searching I am ready to return to this beautiful app.

    One thing I'd like to figure out is how to enable the display of the "Extras by default.  I've been playing with the demo site  and havent figured out a way to do it Since the Extras are a n important part of our money-making, Id very much like to avoid having it hidden behind this extra click.

    Is there a way to do this, ever perhaps with a script or shortcode modifier?


    + Y.D. Bar-Ness


  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Daniel,

    Thank you for your interest in our plugin again.

    Unfortunately Extras option cannot be changed since this is how our plugin works. We always find some solution when it is about some CSS changes for our users, like hiding employees, or something similar but this is not small CSS change, it requests changes in plugin's logic.

    Best regards.