  Public Ticket #1959705
calendar google and language


  • PATRICK KELLY started the conversation


    I wanted to know if like Bookly, your plugin propose

    - french version as i'm french

    - google calendar synchronisation which means that when everything is configured on amelia, before that amelia gives the results of availabilities, does amelia goes at each request on google calendar to see if there is already other things on the supposed avalabilities to take them off of the results?

    Thanks for you quick reply

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Patrick,

    Thank you for your interest in our plugin.

    1. Yes, we have French translation included in our plugin. Approximately 95% of the plugin is translated, but if you find some words that aren't or you want to change them you can easily do this with Poedit or Loco Translate.

    2. This is how our Google Sync works: Once employees profile is synced with his Calendar each time when new appointment is created in Amelia that appointment is added in Google Cal, and each time when employee creates event in Google Cal (with busy status) that event affects the number of free time slots in Amelia. You should know that events from Google Cal are not shown in Amelia, they just remove free time slots from Amelia.

    Best regards.

  • PATRICK KELLY replied

    Thanks for you reply.

    Last  questions before purchase

    - is it possible for the customer not to pick a date and time but that amelia gives on screen directly the dates and time available regarding to the service choosen this would be easier visualy for the customer who can see straight away the availabilities with scroll to go further dates

    - is it possible to make  extra reminder for customer (our system show just 24h after the slot took) but is it possible form exemple 4 days before et the day before for example ?

    - can we configure amelia for 

      - customer cannot book less than X days before date?
      - customer cannot book further than X weeks or month from the date of request?
      - link for cancellation for the customer to be able to cancel automaticly but this cancellation is valid only if done X days before date of appointement with a page url result if the cancellation is ok and same if not ok.

    Thanks for your answer in advance,


  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Patrick,

    1. Unfortunately something like this is not possible. It is possible to display the available dates once the service is chosen but customer needs to click on the date to see the time slots. Something similar for time slots is possible only if you use our Search shortcode, but there customer first need to choose the date, so he can see all available appointments.

    2. Unfortunately we don't have more reminders at the moment. It is in our plan to implement some new ones, but based on the requests first we will add a reminder for couple of hours before the appointment.

    3. Yes, we have option Minimum time required before booking, and there you can set hours, days, weeks and months.

    4. Yes, we have Period available for booking in advance option where you can set number of days available for booking in the future.

    5. Yes, customer can receive this link in email or SMS, and you can set Minimum time required before canceling option. Also, we have two options to set redirection URL links for when the canceling is ok and when it is not (to the pages that you create).

    Best regards.