  Public Ticket #1959143
Question about booking registration


  • Gianni started the conversation


    I'm looking for a booking plugin and I found Amelia. But I have a question, is it possible to allow ordering only for "connected" people ? So, they don't have to give their "Firstname" and "Lastname" because they are connected to the website. 

    I need this cause I want to do a "service booking website" between members, and only the members can order a service. So they must be "connected" (and their order save on the history).

    Thanks a lot !

    Best regards,

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Gianni,

    Thank you for your interest in our plugin.

    Unfortunately something like this is not possible with our plugin at the moment. You would need to make the login form outside of our plugin so you can give the access only to your members and then put Amelia plugin on some private page so only the members could access it. However, I think that they will still need to enter their private information on our booking process because our plugin wouldn't be connected with that custom login form.

    Best regards.