  Public Ticket #1937444
Google Calendar Attendees


  •  1
    Jony started the conversation


    Since the latest update, as a service provider, we can only see one of the attendees if there is any. The other ones are not added. We'd like this functionality back as it provides us an overview of the course size.

    Kind regards,


  •  472
    Isidora replied

    Hi Jony,
    Thank you for your purchase.

    Yes that was removed because lot of customers request that feature. We add that in Google calendar settings in core of the plugin. I can change that if you want, but you will need to provide me a FTP credentials, so we can access files of the plugin. If you will provide us credential please check PRIVATE Replay because ticket is public and everyone can see it.

    It will be forward to my development team to add as an option in Google settings in plugins settings so users can choose what they need in one of the next updates.

    Thank you for understanding,

    Best regards.

    Kind Regards, 

    Isidora Markovic

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  •  1
    Jony replied

    Dear Milan,

    So a lot of customers requested NOT to see the amount of attendees, but instead just see one of them? That seems very odd to me. Our business model and course preparation depends on the functionality to see all of the attendees. 

    Furthermore, I find it quite strange that such features would be removed, without giving the option in the front-end config to enable this in the first place(which would allow the clients to decide for themselves whether to keep the functionality or not). Though, like you already opted, I greatly appreciate that you will forward this to the team.

    In the changelog, i can see this, which was a feature I requested as well in (https://tmsplugins.ticksy.com/ticket/1872252/):

    • Feature: Event attendees are removed from customers’ events in Google Calendar

    which basically states that the privacy of the customers is not compromised as they can't see the other attendees. But the employee SHOULD be able to see all attendees. Also, I don't consider that a feature as it was a bug in the first place. 

    If you're referring to another bugfix or added feature, it seems undocumented in the changelog.

    So, back to the original problem. I'm actually getting the feeling that you are not really seeing the correct issue here. So the issue we're experiencing is:

    • Multiple people sign up for a service
    • We have google calendar coupled for our trainers (who offer the service) so they can see the amount of people (and names) of the attendees.
    • Earlier on, this worked, we could see the amount of people attending. 
    • Since our update of amelia, last week, we can only see one of the attendees, the other ones are not added to the calendar.

    So either this is a setting, or the google calendar doesn't update once a second (or third, ...) booking is made, or another bug?

    I'm having the ameliabooking/src/Infrastructure/Services/Google/GoogleCalendarService.php open, and I have a background in CS, so if it's an easy fix please just let me know where to adjust a setting or snippet in the code.

  •  472
    Isidora replied

    Hi Jony,

    I was forward this to my development team to investigate and I receive feedback that this is an issue on our side. They are working on this and it will be fixed in next update. Thank you for reporting this.

    Best regards.

    Kind Regards, 

    Isidora Markovic

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