  Public Ticket #1930129
Payments for multiple dates


  • Simon Charlton started the conversation

    Hi, I'm looking at your plugin on behalf of a client that wants to build a database of therapists that can be booked by an individual, but only when my client has selected the relevant therapists that can help.  She needs a way to schedule a block of 6 appointments in one go and charge the client in advance.  Is there any way this can be done?

    I'm still learning more about the project before giving a quote, but from what I've found online, your plugin seems to fulfil all the requirements.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Simon,

    Thank you for your interest in our plugin.

    Unfortunately we don't have the option for customer to book 6 appointments in one booking at the moment. However, we plan to develop more options in our plugin and this will be one of them. If you are interested I could inform you after we release a version with this option? I cannot say for sure when it will be added since we already have some features before this one but as this is one of the most requested features we will certainly work on it. You can track our plans on our feature list, and also vote for the features that you would like to see in our plugin.

    Best regards.

  • Simon Charlton replied

    Thanks for getting back to me.  I shall go back to my client and see if this is something we can get around for now.  It's a shame as your plugin does everything we need it to!

    If I found a coder, is this something that could be changed manually, and if so, would this keep being overwritten with plugin updates?


  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Simon,

    You are welcome.

    Unfortunately you wouldn't be able to change this since there are no hooks for this kind of customization. However, if you need option to book 6 same appointments, like recurring appointments I can say you that we plan to implement this option in one of the future releases. As for selecting 6 different appointments, that feature will have to wait a little more.

    Best regards.