  Public Ticket #1916413


  • fidel iwueke started the conversation

    How do you add a cron job, in other to activate the follow up notification. Your Youtube Channel Video Tutorial Failed to explain that aspect. 

  •  472
    Isidora replied

    Hi fidel,
    Thank you for yogur purchase.

    Sorry for late response. 

    We are located in Serbia and our working time is from 10:00 to 17:00 CET. business days.

    This depends of your server. You will need to have separate settings on your hosting provide (cPanel for settings this up)

    Scheduled notifications require a bit of additional configuration with your server cron scheduler. The command that has to be added can be found on the “Notifications” page when notification that requires scheduling is active. You can recognize these notifications by the clock icon next to the notification name. Copy command and paste it in the cron file. The command looks like this:

    */15 * * * * https://yourwebsite.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=wpamelia_api&call=/notifications/scheduled/send

    You can see the more detailed tutorial how to set up cron at this link.

    If you are not familiar with this you can use plugin WP Crontrol for creating cronjob.

    In the Tools -> Cron Events admin panel, 


    click on the “Add PHP Cron Event” tab underneath the cron event table. 


    In the form that appears, enter the schedule and next run time in the boxes. The event schedule is how often your event will be executed. In the “PHP code” area, enter the PHP code that should be run when your cron event is executed. Please insert this:


    You don’t need to provide the PHP opening tag (<?php).


    Please replace "https://yourwebsite.com" with your real web address.

    If you don’t see a good interval, then add one in the Settings -> Cron Schedules admin panel or click on link "Manage Cron Schedules". You will find example how you can make custom interval inserting:

    • Interval name
    • Interval(in seconds)
    • Display name

    and click "Add Cron Schedules" and it will be added.


    When you made custom interval you need to go back to  Tools -> Cron Events admin panel and click on the “Add PHP Cron Event” tab underneath the cron event table where you will insert that custom interval and all other field that are described above. After clicking on "Add PHP Cron Event" it will be added on Event table and you are done.


    If you have any confusion about this feel free to ask us, and we will help you.

    Best regards.

    Kind Regards, 

    Isidora Markovic

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