  Public Ticket #1913637
Google Calendar


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    Steve started the conversation

    Thank you for being there, much appreciated.

    I am not clear on what the Google Calendar role is, in other words, is it supposed to update my Google Calendar with appointments that have been booked (pending or approved) in Amelia booking system?

    I have connected it and it is working this way. If I have a busy slot in my Google Calendar, it blocks that time in Amelia so no appointments can be made by not showing that time in Amelia. I have tested a busy 30 minute appointment at 9:00am in my Google Calendar and it doesn't show that time available in Amelia. I then changed it to 10:00am in my Google Calendar and then the 9:00am became available in Amelia and the 10:00am time slot was not available.

    This works great for my time availability in Amelia but I have to look in each calendar to see what's on for the day.

    My Google Calendar does NOT update my Amelia calendar and my Amelia calendar does NOT update my Google Calendar.

    I have attached a screenshot of each calendar for clarity.

    You can see the Google Calendar "test" on Sunday 3 March 2019 is not shown on Amelia calendar. Plus the 9am and 10:30am on 28 Feb are not showing on the Google Calendar. Disregard all the rest as they were added to both calendars.

    Maybe this is the way it is supposed to be but I don't think so. Please advise.

    Thank you once again for great support.

  •  472
    Isidora replied

    Hi Steve,
    Thank you for your purchase.

    In order to use 2-way Google synchronization properly your employees should set statuses of the events in their Google calendars as Busy. In that way, time slots occupied by those events will be removed from Amelia calendar.

    You have option Remove Google Calendar Busy Slots in Google Settings in Amelia plugin. When you enable this option it will be removed the busy slots in your employees’ Google Calendars from their work schedules in Amelia. When enabled, time slots from the Amelia Calendar will be removed whenever there is an event in the Google Calendar.

    Please note: In order for these slots to be removed the events in Google Calendar must be set as Busy.

    When you set some other events in Google calendar and if you use option Remove Google Calendar Busy Slots in Amelia those timeslots for that event will be removed from Amelia calendar and your customers will not be able to choose this timeslot.

    We are not sure how you insert those slots (9am and 10:30am on 28 Feb) because there is no any information about service.

    "You can see the Google Calendar "test" on Sunday 3 March 2019 is not shown on Amelia calendar."

    if you insert that event manually in Google calendar then that is normal behavioral because at the moment you can only hide timeslots from booking form (in Amelia) when you have Google event and turn on option Remove Google Calendar Busy Slots, but it is not possible to write that event in Amelia calendar.

    Best regards.

    Kind Regards, 

    Isidora Markovic

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  •  1
    Steve replied

    Thanks Milan.

    That's a mouthful for me to digest so I will check settings.

    Just want to clarify a question:

    1. Does that mean that appointments made in Amelia will not automatically show up on my Google calendar?

    2. Does that mean that appointments (busy) made in Google calendar will not automatically show up on my Amelia calendar?

    3. Does that mean an appointments made in my Google calendar (busy) will only make the time unavailable in Amelia calendar?

    My expectation is this:

    If a customer makes an appointment for a service via Amelia, it will show up on the Amelia calendar and Amelia will automatically put that same appointment to show on Google calendar as it does in Amelia.

    And just the opposite. When I put an appointment in my Google calendar it will show up on my Google calendar and automatically put the same on my Amelia calendar.

    I hope you understand and maybe for me to understand, maybe just answer yes or no and I will take it from there -)

    Cheers, Steve.

  •  472
    Isidora replied

    Hi Steve,

    1) No, when you made appointment in Amelia it will be automatically created in Google calendar (If appointments have status Approved). If you have set Default Appointment Status as Pending  in General settings, then you need to turn on option Insert Pending Appointments in Google settings in Amelia if you want your employees to see appointments with pending status in their Google calendar.

    2) Yes that is not possible, if you turn on option Remove Google Calendar Busy Slots in Google Settings in Amelia  and create event in Google calendar it will automatically hide those timeslots for this event in Amelia, but not to show details about it.

    3) Yes that is right.

    "And just the opposite. When I put an appointment in my Google calendar it will show up on my Google calendar and automatically put the same on my Amelia calendar."

    Like I already explain in previous ticket and above at the moment that is not possible with built in features. You can only hide Google events timeslots in Amelia, but not to show details about it.

    Best regards.

    Kind Regards, 

    Isidora Markovic

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  •  1
    Steve replied

    Thank you so much Milan, I got it now!

    Cheers, Steve.

  •  472
    Isidora replied

    Hi Steve,

    You are welcome.  

    If you have any more issues or questions feel free to open a new ticket, we will gladly help.

    We'd greatly appreciate it if you could take a minute and leave a Review on CodeCanyon on this link. Thanks! 

    Best regards.

    Kind Regards, 

    Isidora Markovic

    wpDataTables: FAQFacebookTwitterFront-end and back-end demoDocs

    Amelia: FAQFacebookTwitter |  Amelia demo sites | Docs

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