  Public Ticket #1896590
Flat rate for multiple attendees


  •  3
    kathrynhas started the conversation

    Is it possible for a service to have a flat rate, so that when a customer chooses to bring someone with them, that the price of the service stays the same and isn't multiplied by the number of people they are bringing?

    My example is that I would like to offer a Group Personal Training Session at $100, regardless of the number of people that attend. However, when a customer says they are bringing two more people, the total becomes $300.


  • [deleted] replied

    Hi kathrynhas,

    Thank you for your inquiry.

    Unfortunately something like this is not possible at the moment. However, we will reconsider adding this option for our future updates. At the moment, you can only turn off Bringing anyone with you option (so people cannot add number of additional people) and add a custom field to the booking form where your customers will be able to write if they are coming with somebody (number of people for example).

    It would be great if you could suggest this feature on our features list here. We plan to follow our users needs in the further plugin development and we will do this following the requests here and on our list.

    Best regards.