  Public Ticket #1895534
Show spaces available for appointment


  • centar07 started the conversation

    Hi, I've just purchased your plugin so I'm new to Amelia,

    I have one question;

    I'm configuring this plugin for a fitness gym website, in which where I will create an appointment option for spinning and in which I'll need to show the "spaces" available for the appointment (I've set the "minimum" to 1 and the "maximum" to 10"). Simply, "spaces" will be the spinning bikes...

    Is there a way to show the spaces (= bikes) available to the final customer? 

    Regards, and thank you for your help

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi centar07,

    Thank you for your inquiry.

    You mean like showing the number of spaces left? Unfortunately something like this isn't possible at the moment on our booking forms. However, we plan to implement event booking feature with a totally new booking forms where your customers will be able to see list of the events with number of places left, so it will be possible in the future.

    At the moment you can only display the information about the capacity on the booking form using the Text Content custom field.

    Best regards.