  Public Ticket #1887192
customer's parameters in url


  • Jose started the conversation


    Congrats for Amelia. I have been analysing all the WP booking plugins and this is the best (I'm trying the lite version now).

    Only one thing is holding me from buying it:

    I would use it with chatbots (the appointment page with your shortcode would be embedded in the chat using HTML).

    The thing is that I don't want the user to repeat the name, last name and email again, so I need to be able to pass the variables from the bot to your form.

    With Calendly I can do it (I attach a screenshot) but Amelia is better so I would love to change to Amelia if I could solve this. 

    Is this possible with Amelia? 
    Could you help me with this please?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Jose,

    Thank you for your interest in our plugin.

    Our plugin functions in that way that data in the form is populated when user is logged in the WordPress, so I suppose that would be the case here as well (but we are not totally sure since we didn't have this kind of requests until now). Maybe you can try to do this with our Lite plugin version and if it is working then you will be able to do with the full version as well? 

    Do you have any other way how you collect that data or it is just when user is logged in the WordPress?

     Best regards.

  • Jose replied

    Thanks for your Reply,

    I have tried to do that in the lite plugin but without success. I collect the data from the chatbot, no from Wordpress.

    Your meaning is that there are not variables in the form, right? So you are calling the data from wordpress...
    Ok I will try to get some of that data. I will contact with you if have any news or questions.

    PS: Can you provide me the name of those variables that are catched from WP (Firstname, lastname and email)? That sure will help me

    Thanks :-)

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Jose,

    If you read data from chatbot directly then something like this isn't possible, unfortunately.

    Best regards.