  Public Ticket #1884787
Take apointment from the back end


  •  9
    Jrm57 started the conversation

    Hey, I noticed that when I created a client and take an appointment from the back-end. When it synchronize into the google calendar. In the title of the event I have only the name of the service. But not the name and surname as I set up into the general settings usually.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Jrm57,

    Thank you for reporting this. We are working on this issue right now and it will be in our next update.

    Best regards.

  •  9
    Jrm57 replied

    Ok thanks

    Is it possible to take an appointment from the back end at any time. Because in front end I limited the date until 35 days. But if I take an appointment from the back end I would like to take an appointment over the 35 days. Is it possible in a next update too ?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Jrm57,

    Yes, we are working on this for the next update, also. Now it's working on the both sides but we've got suggestion from some other user and we will change this option to work only for scheduling from front-end.

    Best regards.

  •  9
    Jrm57 replied

    Great ! Thanks :D :D 

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Jrm57,

    You are welcome.smile.png

    Best regards.