  Public Ticket #1777945
Horizontal Scrollbar & Percentages


  • Owen started the conversation

    Hi There,

      I have Horizontal Scroll bars turned off, but they show up pretty much on all tables.

      The other issue is, and I'm sure it's me, Goaltending GAA (Goals Against Average) are rounding rather than showing the actual from the database. So if it's 2.56 it shows 3.00 and vice-versa.

      Check the Standings and VHA Goaltending Leaders under STATS on the main menu on the URL I provided, you will see what I'm talking about.

      Thanks for any input and direction.

    Owen Greaves

  • Owen replied

    Hi There,

      The percentage thing is not a wpdatatable issue - wpdatatable is pulling accurate information. The data is being changed or rounded at time of import to MariaDB/MySQL - so it looks like it's being rounded by MariaDB/MySQL.


  • Owen replied

    Upon further scrutiny, it's possible wpdatatables is not displaying the GAA properly. I looked and opened an old Database from previous year, and the GAA shows single digits as well, but the old site was in PHP and displayed the GAA properly using specific code ($gaa = ( $GA / ($MIN/60));) I tried this code in wpDataTables, but it displays 0.00 or no data....so any ideas would be helpful. 

  • Owen replied

    The GAA was actually an easy fix, changed from INT to FLOAT in MySQL, I suspect the same could have been done in wpDataTables : )

    Still need to know why Horizontal Scrollbars are showing when they are turned off.

  •  1,783
    Miloš replied

    Hi Owen,
    Thank you for your purchase.

    Sorry for late response but we did not work yesterday due to national holiday.

    Glad to hear that you managed to solve the issue with the numbers.

    As for the horizontal scroll bar can you please send me the link of that table so I can take a look.

    Best regards.

    Kind Regards, 

    Miloš Jovanović
    [email protected]

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