  Public Ticket #1760915
Powerful filters


  • Jay Simpson started the conversation

    Can I save a filter. For instance, I'm setting up an actions list. Mostly I want to see actions that are not 'done'. I'd like to be able to click on an 'Outstanding Actions' button on a page and the link would take me to a pre-filtered page of actions that are not done.

    Also, is there any way to default a date to 'today'. Adding actions I'd like to have the creation date default to today every time.


  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Jay,
    Thank you for your inquire.

    We have option to filter the table by passing the filter parameter through URL. You can find more information about it in our - Documentation. We have plans to integrate "today" placeholder for filtering but in the meantime you can pass that as parameter in URL with little js snippet